The scenario is often the same. We plan a trip to the lake. Or a pool. Or some sort of swimming hole. The packing takes forever. Then there is the loading of the van. Oh yeah, we need to pack a lunch. Maybe bring an afternoon snack too. We probably will not be home until a few minutes before dinner because we will be having so much fun so I better get something together and throw it in the slow cooker. What was supposed to be a peaceful, relaxing summer day ends up putting more stress on me than needed.

Of course, some days the scenario does not play out to be as stressful as expected and it really is smooth sailing providing an enjoyable experience for everyone all around. Which is why I tend to only plan these types of days only every once in a while, as a special treat. What do I do the other days of the week? You know, on the days that the sun is scorching and the kids are itching to swim or do anything to help them stay cool? Here are five ways to keep your kids entertained this summer while beating the heat.

Water Balloon Fight

Forget the classic water balloon toss. You know what I am talking about. You have one row of kids in a line and another row of kids directly in front of them. They toss, take a step, repeat. Maybe the balloon hits the ground and gets a kid’s shoe wet but usually it suddenly erupts without a soul nearby. Where is the fun in that? Tell your kids to get their suits on. Fill up some water balloons and let them have at it! The more, the better! Any balloons will work just fine but actual water balloons are your best bet.


This classic summer activity is perfect for kids of all ages but I have noticed a greater success rate with the traditional slip-n-slide with ages 6-12. Younger than that is fine but the attention span usually does not last that long and older than that might enjoy it if they can use their creative side and make their own since the tradition 20 or 30 feet ones might not do the trick. Add some soap suds, boogie boards or anything reasonable that you kids come up with to add to the fun and they will be out there for hours.

Bottle Rockets

Here is an interesting way to teach an educational concept while cooling down in the process. Create a bottle rocket! With only a few inexpensive materials such as PVC pipe, an empty 2-liter plastic bottle, water and a bike pump, you and your kids can have a blast (no pun intended) for hours on end. And yes, your kids will get wet in the process!

Water Pass

Plastic Solo cups work great for this activity. You will need at least four people to play so both dad and mom might need to join in on this one. Separate everyone into two teams. Have everyone in each team sitting on the ground in a line- front to back. Place a bucket of water in front of the person at the front of the line for each team. Place an empty bucket behind the last person in line, for each team. The purpose of the game is for the first person to fill their cup with water and then without turning around they need to pour their water into the cup of the person behind them. The last person pours their water into a bucket. The team with the most water at the end of the game wins!

Water Limbo

Instead of using a traditional stick. Use a hose. Have an adult or older child hold a steady stream of water at a high level as the other children “limbo” through. Continue moving the stream of water lower and lower until the inevitable happens, a nice cool soak! Winner gets to spray everyone else at the end!