Life has certainly taken a strange turn in the past weeks!  Our world has changed and life has greatly slowed down!  Just because things are different, doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun indoors!

If you want to encourage a variety of activities during these long days, here is a list of some of my favorite family-fun indoor activities:


  • Learn to write with your non-dominant hand.
  • Take a virtual field trip to a National Park.
  • Research your family tree.
  • Call grandparents and relatives.
  • Learn how to do a minor home or car repairs.
  • Pick out online workout videos to try as a family.
  • Set a goal or a challenge and see who can reach it first! Who can clean the dishes the quickest? Who can reach10,000 steps a day indoors? Who can do the most sit-ups or lunges?
  • Cook a meal with each member in charge of a different course.
  • Join or start a virtual book club .
  • Have a family board game tournament.
  • Plan a family vacation or create a wish list of places to visit.
  • Clean out closets and drawers. Gather unwanted clothes and household goods and donate them to charity or sell them online.
  • Take a virtual art class.
  • Scrapbook all those old photos.
  • Practice life skills such as budgeting, properly answering the phone and taking a message, and writing “Thank you” cards.
  • Research a home based or small business.
  • Camp out in the living room. Don’t forget the s’mores.
  • Learn how to do a new craft.
  • Watch a documentary together.
  • Build a blanket fort.
  • Make special treats like homemade pizza or cookies.
  • Look through homeschooling and hands-on learning catalogs.
  • Have a karaoke party.
  • Watch a virtual play.
  • Start reading a book series you’ve been wanting to dive into.
  • Paint a room or two in your house.
  • Tame the stacks of papers by purging and filing.


No matter what you do, take time to enjoy one another!  Soon we’ll all be back outside and back to “normal” life.

What are some of the fun things you do to add fun to your day?

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