One of the highlights of homeschooling is a fun field trip. With the flexibility that homeschooling offers, the world is our oyster, right? Why read about something in a book when you can go experience it firsthand. I’ve posted before about some of our all-time favorite field trips and even some dream field trips.

Planning field trips, however, can be stressful. It doesn’t have to be, though. Following are some tips that have helped me, and others, plan successful field trips for our homeschool group in recent years.

Convenience. It’s impossible to find a date and time that will be convenient for everyone, so it makes the most sense to plan your event at the time that is most convenient for your family and invite others to join you.

That may sound selfish, but planning a group trip can be stressful. Why add to your stress, as the coordinator, by planning an event at a time that doesn’t work for your family?

Read the Full Article on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers