Does your family love to celebrate together?  If so, why wait until there’s a specific date on the calendar?  These fun, family friendly, holiday moments can be interwoven into everyday life and  homeschooling.

January is National Hobby Month.  If you don’t already have a favorite hobby, why don’t you try something new?  Try an outdoor hobby like cross country skiing or curling.  Got an indoor activity you’d like to try but don’t know how to do it?   Fortunately, the internet is your friend!  You can Google just about any tutorial from crocheting to working on your inner Bob Ross!  Make your own masterpiece!

February is Black History Month.  What a great way to add to your history learning!  Discover what famous inventors like Madame Walker, George Washington Carver,  Lonnie Johnson, and George Edward Alcorn Jr., just to name a few, did to further progress in the area of industry, medicine, and Technology.

March is National Frozen Food Month.  Use this month as a household project endeavor for your own freezer and those around you.  Use your own favorites or Google new recipes that freeze well.  Plan, shop, prepare, and freeze and then reach out to neighbors and the elderly.  Not only will you be  working on those cooking skills but this is also an outreach opportunity.

April is International Guitar Month.  What celebration would be complete without music? Pick up a guitar and learn to strum your favorite tune.  If a teacher is not available, don’t let that stop you.  Again, the internet is your friend for help!  While you are at it, research the different types of guitars, guitars through history, and famous guitar players.

May is National Blood Pressure Month.  If you don’t already know it, now’s a good time to learn what it is and what your numbers are!   This can also lead to learning more about the circulatory system and the heart.  Explore health topics such as keeping heart healthy, learning more about heart disease, and even choose a new exercise to do as a family.

June is National Adopt a Cat Month.  Allergic to cats, don’t want a cat or already have too many cats? Think about making a donation of time or supplies to your local cat rescue.  Learn how to take care of a cat by helping a neighbor who has one.  This is also a great opportunity to research the different types of cats starting from the domestic to the wild.  Follow up your studies with a trip to the zoo to witness your favorite feline its own habitat.

July is National Ice Cream Month.   Grab some new types of ice cream and vote to see which flavor is your new favorite.  Learn how to make your own ice cream.  Host an ice cream social with your neighbors.

August is National Eye Exam Month.  Time for your eye check-up! Learn more about the function of the eyes.  Branch off into the genetics of eye color and even Braille.  Most of all, be thankful for the gift of sight!

September is Better Breakfast Month.  What a great way to start the school year than by choosing a different breakfast for each day of the month. Choose from old favorites and google recipes to try something new.  You could get bold and try recipes from other countries as well.

October is Clergy Appreciation Month.  Take this time to do something kind for those spiritual leaders  who have sown into your life.  Send a card, prepare a meal or a special snack, even acts of service are very much appreciated to these men and women who give so much of themselves!

November is National Model Railroad Month.  Here’s a fun one bring for young and old!  Bring out that old model railroad from your parents or grandparents, put it together and enjoy reliving moments on the railways.  You can visit your local hobby store and see their setup too.  If there isn’t a hobby store nearby, Google model trains.   This is also a great way to learn about railroad history starting with the first steam engines up to the present bullet trains.

December is its own special month!  It’s also Write a Friend Month.  It’s a time to work on that penmanship and revisit the ancient art of letter writing!  Handwritten thank you notes, Christmas cards, or even make a new pen pal. Dust off the stationary, get out your favorite pen, and let the words flow!

Why wait for a holiday to hit the calendar when you can have your own theme and adventure each month!  And that’s what homeschooling is all about!