Play-dough is a classic manipulative for preschoolers and school-aged children alike. Memories flood my mind of all of the times I sat at the kitchen table as a child making random creations with this captivating substance. Whether I was using the latest gadget that turned my play-dough into tiny pieces of pizza with pepperoni or creating hair for silly creatures and cutting them with plastic scissors, I loved my time with this versatile dough. Sure, you can pick this mixture up at your local dollar store, but is it cost effective? When I first started having children I would purchase the dollar store variety time after time only for it to dry out quickly. The amount you get for the price is not that much. Then, one Christmas, a woman from my church gave my children a large bag of homemade play-dough as a gift. Genius! If you want to bless a child this holiday season, are limited on cash, and have a few simple ingredients in your pantry, then this is the way to go! You are certain to light up the face of any child you give this to! Their parents will thank you too because you just gave their child something to do for hours on end!

If you have children in your own home that might enjoy this, I usually revert to the activity of making play-dough on a non-school day. Maybe on a weekend, holiday or vacation day. If my preschoolers or school-aged children seem antsy because they are off-schedule or not on their normal routine for the day, I love to create this dough and then have them create with it later in the day. If you want to have your children play with it on the same day that you make it, I would recommend making it in the morning. You will be heating it up and it will need some time to cool down.

This simple recipe is bound to entertain children throughout the year! Once you make your dough it can be stored in a plastic bag or air-tight container for several months.

Homemade play-dough Recipe

2 cups flour

¾ cup salt

5 teaspoons cream of tartar

2 cups warm water

2 Tablespoons vegetable oil

3-5 drops food coloring

This recipe is so easy. My four-year-old made it with limited help. He mixed the ingredients, I stirred it on the stove. Done!

Combine the flour, salt and cream of tartar. Mix with a whisk. Add the water, oil and food coloring. Mix with a spatula or wooden spoon.

Place on a stove on medium-low heat. Stir until it forms a ball.

Place in a plastic bag and wait until it is cool before using!

Store in bag or air-tight container for several months!