Summertime. This season is a favorite of many. As a child, I always looked forward to summer particularly because it meant spending large amounts of time outside. Creatively using my imagination, I took one half of the yard as my make-believe house while my sister took the other. Our bike was our “car” and the sidewalk our garage. We planted flowers and made mud pies and spent hours investigating. Coming from a fairly large family, I could easily participate in baseball games, kickball, jump rope competitions, and long bike rides. Of course, this was before Atari was developed and we only had two channels available on the television (I am definitely divulging my age.). Although technology was sparse, it was not missed. Nowadays there are many more distractions to keep us indoors. I encourage you to think about how you can limit screen time this summer and increase your time outside. There is a big, fun classroom outside waiting to be explored. What are some fun ways to enjoy the outdoors?

Simply let your children play. Children are naturally gifted at creative and imaginative play. I remember taking my children to a nearby park almost daily to play in the sandbox, on the playground equipment, or in the yard. The play was always changing into something that sparked their interest. Whether it was imaginative play, catching bugs, making necklaces out of flowers, helping in the garden, playing hopscotch, or filling water balloons, there was always laughter and excitement. They were interacting socially in a healthy, creative way while physically getting their exercise.

Pack a picnic and go on a nature walk. Take a day to explore nature at a state park. Find an area to sit and eat lunch together. Kids love these kinds of adventures! You might even take the fishing rod if that is an option. If you go for a hike or walk, play a scavenger game, and look for certain items. Some ideas to take along to help with exploration include binoculars, magnifying glass, nature journal, and bug habitats.

Take a family bike ride. Grab your helmets and bicycles and enjoy exercise together with a bike ride. Whether in town or on a trail, this is a fun way to get exercise and be together. You can even stop and explore things along the way. My family has a favorite trail we take to the next town and stop for ice cream before heading back.

Plant a garden. There is so much education and fun, not to mention many other benefits in planting a garden. If you don’t want a vegetable garden, think about an herb or flower garden. Decide what type of plants you would like to grow and spend time together taking care of them. When my kids were younger, we didn’t have room for a big garden. Instead, we created a square foot garden. The kids were amazed to see the seeds grow into plants and edible food!

There are many more ways to have fun outside. Be creative and take advantage of the summer weather. Nature is a sensory environment that allows your kids to relax and recharge their brain. Studies show spending time in nature increases calmness and restores concentration. Attention Deficit Disorder tends to lessen when people are spending time in nature. Sunlight naturally increases your serotonin, which boosts your mood. It is then converted into melatonin, which makes you sleep better at night. Spend some time outdoors and enjoy the benefits! ~ Gina


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