Homeschooling is not an easy feat and now that the majority of the world is homeschooling in one form or another it seems as though all eyes are on us “normal” homeschoolers. Yes, I said normal. Isn’t it amusing that we are considered the normal ones now. So many people have come aboard the homeschooling train recently and I feel like even though I have been homeschooling for over ten years that I still don’t have it all together. I mean, sure I have some tips and suggestions I could share but when it comes down to it, every single family dynamic is different. Families change. Life happens and the only constant is the Word of God. I shouldn’t say “only” because it is the most reliable constant, the problem is when we don’t allow it to change us like we should, then we  get off track.

While encouraging families new to homeschooling remember to point them to the Word of God. Encourage them to strengthen their prayer life. Help them know that they do not need to mimic the traditional school system but seek the Lord as to what He wants for them.  Let them know that they can indeed do it. When people start homeschooling for the first time the first thing they often say to me is, “I want to come over and see how you do it.” Time and time again they have said this. I don’t mind, and I have at times allowed this but generally I encourage them to figure out what is best for them. What works for me might not work for you. And, what works for me right now might not work for me in two or three years. I know that this is definitely true because the way I homeschooled when I had three kids is entirely different than how I now homeschool five. Each child’s needs will change, extracurricular activities may change, and life circumstances may be completely different.

Let new homeschoolers know that they are absolutely qualified to teach their children. God has given them their children so they absolutely know them best. Then, provide them with the resources they need to get started. Direct them to free or inexpensive educational sites. Give them some of your old curriculum that you aren’t using anymore, and send them links to reviews of products that do in fact work for you or you are convinced will work for them. Think about it, they have been thrust into this world that they most likely know nothing about. You may feel like you don’t have much to offer but if you pray about what the needs are of the people approaching you, God will give you wisdom so that they will ultimately be directed toward Him.