With so many changes that have taken place in the past several months, it is more difficult to find time for yourself. I absolutely love being with my children. They make me laugh, bring joy to my life, and they are just fun to be around. But, I need time to think and pray and have quiet. I used to get this on Wednesday nights when all of my children were at Awana. Since that has been cancelled I’ve had to get more creative.

Alone time is not a necessity but it is something that helps strengthen me as I pray and keeps me grounded. I don’t like constant noise and chaos. I know those things come with children, but God also made us to want time alone with Him. Time to renew our souls and refresh our joy for Him.

There are a few ways I have made this happen in the past few months. One of them is taking long walks alone. I tell my husband (who is still working from home) that I am going for a long walk. I grab my phone and ear buds and turn on Christian music. As I walk, I listen to the music and talk to God. I enjoy the beauty around me as well. These walks not only give me the alone time I need with God but also got my heart pumping. I love going for walks and this has become part of my routine. I do this about three or four times a week.

Another way I get some alone time is by asking my husband to take the kids for a long drive or take them for a walk downtown. My home is my comfort zone and I love being able to sit quietly on the couch and pray and read the bible. My husband loves spending time with our boys and he doesn’t mind taking them for a few hours once or twice a month so I can be at home alone. I bake, read, watch an old show, study God’s word, etc. He gets time with our boys and I get time to just be at home without any noise or chaos. I do reciprocate this for my husband as well. It’s a great team effort.

There are several other ways to get in some alone time without leaving the house. One of which is sending my kids outside for an hour. We have a fenced-in backyard and a trampoline and trees to climb. I send them outside every day around 1pm. They have to stay outside for at least an hour. I sit and read or do the dishes or laundry. Whatever I do, it’s peaceful and I know my boys are safe. I love to go out with them on nice days and enjoy the weather. I take a book and a chair and they know to just play.

I also use the TV to get in some time to myself. About once a week, I put on an old movie like Davy Crockett or Treasure Island. I make popcorn and leave them to watch for a while. I go for a walk or read on the front porch. It’s relaxing and calm. Plus, my boys all love old movies and ask me to find new ones each week.

My family is together 24/7. We do everything together and are rarely apart. Carving out some time alone a couple of times a week is essential for me to feel close to God and get refreshed from the day. Although some weeks my only alone time is in the shower, I talk to God and am reminded that He is with me throughout all my days. Whether I am alone or in the middle of three boys wrestling and tickling each other. I enjoy time to myself but I also thrive on being with my family.