We all know the academic benefits of homeschooling, but do you know the benefits regarding physical and social health? Here are some of the ways this fantastic way of life helps our children grow!

Most homeschool families enjoy a unique bond. Positive values are imparted through the strong bond with siblings and other relatives, and working through conflicts is modeled and encouraged.

Parents generally know who their children are hanging out with. In addition, homeschooled kids are less influenced by peers, resulting in decreased bullying, early drug, alcohol, and sexual activity.

Students will special needs thrive in homeschool environments. With less stigma, students with learning differences can receive specialized help without being bullied or placed in classrooms that are not responsive to their academic or emotional needs. Homeschooling builds an environment of safety and acceptance.

With homeschooling flexibility and meeting students where they are at, there are plenty of opportunities to take up volunteering, participating in community activities with people of all ages, or standing up for a cause they believe in firmly. All of these things make for a well-rounded social educational experience!

Physically, homeschooling is a benefit because all elements of health, primarily physical health, can easily be addressed!

Homeschoolers have the ability and flexibility to spend more time outdoors and just moving in general. In addition, there’s extra time for sports and other active activities that all strengthen the body and mind and help build confidence and health!

Sleep can be prioritized. As children enter the teen years, sleep is crucial for their health. A well-rested child is ready to learn and less likely to suffer from the sleep deprivation of their counterparts. Learning proper sleep habits will carry them into their adulthood!

And, addressing health, illness can easily be managed from home with the emphasis on recovery and less stress of getting caught up with the issue of missed days or incomplete work. This includes chronic illnesses and doctor’s visits.

How has homeschooling helped your family with physical and social health?

You can check out the many homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!