Some people are addicted to their smartphones. Others, it’s video games. Some, it’s binge watching their favorite shows online. Me? I’ll admit it, my addiction is traveling. I have the bug, to go, go, go. After I had traveled once, I was hooked, and wanted more. By the time I graduated High School I had already crossed the pond three times to visit Europe, once I hit college it was several more. Needless to say, once I was out of school any chance that I had to travel, I took it.

As a homeschool mom, it is my desire to instill this love for other cultures and people within my children. Yes, America is a wonderful and blessed nation and I am thankful for American citizenship and what that means but I never want me or my family to be so self-centered that we think that because we are American we are better than anyone else. Having that mentality is harmful when reaching out to anyone, especially those in cultures that you might not understand.

I am thankful that my children were able to spend a year in a foreign country to learn these lessons. Before we went, while we were there, and even now afterward, I find it important to teach them out other cultures through what we read.

Sharing literature with my children that highlight other nations and cultures is a powerful way to open up a whole new world to them. It allows them to see the world through someone else’s eyes. It helps them to see that there are both similarities and differences between the children on these cultures and their own lives.

Here is a list of some books that you can introduce to your children that will get them excited about other cultures!


Tales From Africa

Mary Slessor: Courage in Africa

Beduins Gazelle



Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes

Hidden Army: Clay Soldiers of Ancient China

Echoes of the White Giraffe



Switherby Pilgrims: Tale of the Australian Bush



The Wheel on the School

St. George for England

The Glorious Flight



Great Kapok Tree: Instructional Guides for Literature

Adventures of Don Quixote