I know it seems cliche to do a gratitude challenge in November but I always feel like I need it. I spend so much time thinking of so many other things and stressing about the upcoming holidays. Taking time each day in November to thank God for something in your life gets you more into the Christmas season.

I started doing a 25 Days of Gratitude Challenge about five years ago. A friend asked me to do the challenge with her and I agreed. It is so refreshing to think of all the wonderful things to be thankful for. I am blessed with so much even on my worst days.

If you’ve read any of my posts before, you may remember that I have several chronic conditions. Some of them cause debilitating pain. Some of them cause other health issues. I, especially, need to spend time feeling grateful for the wonderful blessings in my life. Sometimes it can feel like there is nothing to be thankful for. On those very painful and hard days, I have to count even the smallest of things as a blessing.

One way to do a Gratitude Challenge is to write it down in a special journal. You can keep track each year of what you’re grateful for and see how things change and how many you can add. It’s kind of fun to write them down in your own handwriting so one day your children and grandchildren can read them.

Another way is to use social media. I don’t really use Facebook but if you do you certainly could do a status update consisting of the Gratitude Challenge. I use Instagram a lot. It’s fun to take pictures of your blessings and share them with others. You can also use social media to invite others to join you in the challenge. I’ve had many friends join in over the years.

We get so caught up in life and the things that take up most of our time. We forget to actually look at the wonderful things right in front of us. The Gratitude Challenge can consist of anything you want: people, your home, family pets, the sunshine, a good book, or food to eat. I mean, I am so grateful for tiramisu! God has given us so much that it’s good to sit down at least once a year to remember all those things. It’s a really good time to do this in November with Christmas right around the corner.

Are you ready for 25 Days of Gratitude Challenge? I will join in with you all and become more thankful for the life God has given me…even in pain, suffering, and sorrow.