Let’s enjoy the second half of 2020 regardless of what is going on around us! Here are 20 things to do before the end of 2020!

  1. Have your children journal for 20 days straight about 2020. Have them share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences about the year. Keep these journals in a safe place. 2020 is bound to go down in history, document it, and save it for their children and children’s children!
  2. Create a 2020 cookbook filled with 20 recipes your children either create or gather from the Internet. Be sure to include pictures! Your older ones might want to include step-by-step pictures!
  3. Pick 20 crafts to do from Instructables.com and be sure to take pictures of your favorite products!
  4. Read 20 books and reward your elementary-aged children with a treat such as free pizza from the Pizza Hut Book-It Program.
  5. Go on a nature hike looking for 20 different species of plants. Have your children document them in a nature journal complete with drawings and a short description.
  6. Have your children search baby name books or the Internet for 20 names they would want to name a future pet. Once the names are chosen, have them draw pets to go with each name.
  7. Have your child create 20 friendship bracelets and give them to 20 friends and relatives.
  8. Give your children 20 Bible verses to have them memorize over the next several months—make it a goal to have them memorized by the end of 2020.
  9. Encourage your child to write 20 letters of encouragement and drop them off at a nursing home for the staff to hand out to unexpecting residents.
  10.  Go on a 20-day family fast. Fast one meal a day, a food item, media, or something else your family agrees upon.
  11.  Exercise 20 minutes a day as a family for 20 days. Who knows? You may want to continue the habit after the 20 days are over!
  12.  Have 20 “themed” homeschool days. Think pajama day, backwards day, Green Eggs and Ham day, etc.
  13.  Learn 20 survival skills through books or the Internet.
  14.  Give each child 20 water balloons and let them have a blast! (Outside, of course!)
  15.  Pick a foreign language and learn 20 new vocabulary words.
  16.  Build a Lego creation out of 20 Legos.
  17.  Plant 20 seeds and watch them grow!
  18.  Take 20 unique pictures in your home and yard.
  19.  Sing 20 new hymns and learn the backstories behind them.
  20.  Research the 1920’s and have your child make a list of 20 interesting facts from that era.