This is the last post in the series about teaching through board games. In this edition we will go over some Bible based board games. I am including Bible in one of the subjects for homeschooling because we actually study the Bible each day. We include it in most of our subjects as well.

Studying the Bible can be hard for children. Using fun games can help them learn a little better. In this post I will include the name of the board game, a link to purchase the game (just click on the name of the game and it will redirect you), the age recommendations, and what you will learn from playing the game.

Bible Board Games:

  1. Apples to Apples Bible Edition– this game is recommended for ages 8 and up. It’s a fun game for all ages based on the Bible instead of worldly things.
  2. All Aboard The Ark– this game is recommended for ages 4 and up. It focuses on Noah and the ark and animals.
  3. Go Mental SACRAmental: Bible Brain Game– this game is recommended for ages 13 and up. This teaches all kinds of Bible trivia throughout history.
  4. Commissioned– this game is recommended for ages 13 and up. It teaches how the apostles helped to spread the Good News across the Mediterranean.
  5. The Art of Christian Conversation– this game is recommended for ages pre-k and up. It focuses on God, christianity, life, and faith.

These are just a few games that are available. There are so many more out there. I highly recommend having at least a few Bible based board games on hand for playing with your children. We have had so much fun playing these games as a family.