As a homeschool mom, I hear from a lot of parents about their children’s learning delays and how many times their local public school does not deal favorably with them. This also becomes their reason for homeschooling. And though homeschooling, these children grow and blossom.

Though my daughter had not stepped foot in a formal school setting, we dealt with her reading delay. She’s not the average girl. She’s not quiet nor does she sit still. She prefers to move. And move she must!

She’s never been called “stupid”, “slow”, “incapable” or given a label.

This is what homeschooling has meant for her. The freedom to learn in the manner of which she needs without fear of labels or ridicule. It has also meant that to the observer she is behind in reading or that she is a slow reader.

It was not uncommon for us to finish one school year and need to repeat the reading portion of it over the summer bridging into the next year.

It was not uncommon for my daughter to read standing up, or moving while doing so. Keeping still drained all her energy making it difficult for her to think.

It was not uncommon for my daughter to read books below her “grade” level or to continue sounding out simple words.

It was also not uncommon for my daughter to make huge leaps in her abilities about every 6 months.

This even after we discovered she needed reading glasses.

It was my mission to birth within my children the love to read. My first two children were early and “right-on-time” learners who loved to read and read well above grade level. My third born, a girl, was very different. I held to my resolve to be patient and loving with my daughter knowing she would bloom when she was ready.

I was counseled that in the spectrum of reading, most kids catch up to each other by the time they are 9.

When my daughter was about to turn 10, I was still patient.

Then one day during our Mom and Daughter Bible Study time, my eyes got so tired that I wanted to lay the book aside. Without hesitation, my daughter picked up the book and continued the study. Willingly reading with fluidity and expressive personality!

I was in awe! I had waited for this moment for years. My daughter was willingly reading a book meant for an adult without hesitation.

Then I did something I had only dreamed of. I handed her a book to read on her own that is technically above her grade level. It’s a book that I had willingly wanted to read aloud to her, but now seemed like something she’d enjoy on her own.

She took the book, willingly and enjoyed reading on her own.

Being able to allow my daughter time and space to blossom. THIS, this is just one of the reason we homeschool!

Check out a variety of reading resources from Rainbow Resources!