Homeschooling brings so much opportunity to families. There is the flexibility of your schedule, learning through play, and building familial relationships. But, I’ve found that sometimes I forget about certain aspects of my own schooling experience. One of them being physical education. Although it was not my best class in school, I did enjoy being able to get my heart pumping each day after sitting at a desk for hours.

Homeschooling, once again, brings a unique opportunity to families. We are not bound to a building or a gym. We have the whole wide world to explore. Below I will share some of the things my family does to get in our physical education each day. Some of the things are simple and some are definitely harder.


Ideas for getting in P.E. in your homeschool:


  • Go for daily walks- we live in a quiet neighborhood and can walk about a mile each day. We usually go on about two or three shorter walks each day.
  • Ride bikes- as a family, we love to ride our bikes through the neighborhood. It’s great exercise.
  • Go hiking- we have several parks within an hour of our home. We love to meet friends and hike several miles through the woods or trails. We do this about every other week.
  • Trampoline time- this is for my boys. I just can’t get on a trampoline anymore (haha). They have so much fun and get off sweating and panting.
  • Swimming- we have access to a friend’s pool and go swimming about once or twice a week in the summer. Their indoor pool is usually open in winter but due to covid it will remain closed.
  • Yard work- using the push mower, weed eating, pulling weeds, leaf blowing, raking leaves, etc. These are all counted as P.E. because they are hard work and use lots of muscles.
  • Sports- we have a basketball hoop in the cul-de-sac at the end of our driveway for the neighborhood and my boys love shooting hoops. They play games all day.
  • Backyard baseball- I am the pitcher and my husband is on my youngest son’s team. We play for hours each week. It’s so much fun and we are all sweating by the end of it.
  • Exercise moves- my boys love to see how many push-ups, sit-ups, planks, pull-ups, jumping jacks, and jumping rope they can do. It’s a fun little competition but we also encourage one another as we try to beat our last count.


Although P.E. isn’t one of our main subjects of study, we love to be outdoors and get our hearts pumping. It’s good for the body and it’s good for the soul. We have a few friends we get together with who love to do similar things. This makes it even more fun and less feeling like work. What do you like to do for P.E.?