I like to take the summer to slow down on academics but we don’t stop lessons completely. I like to take the time to wrap up lessons and projects as well as take time to evaluate where we are.

Here are a few things I include when we are homeschooling during the holidays:


For skill-based subjects we don’t ever take a complete break. Not even in the summer. I don’t want to risk losing the progress that my boys have worked so hard for. When my boys are learning to read, we continue phonics lessons and reading with mom. When they are reading independently, I assign at least 20 minutes of reading a day.


This is another skill-based subject that we continue all year long. We may not pull out our current math curriculum every day but we do work on different concepts and review math facts. We play games, work on mental math, and try to include math in our everyday activities.


Sometimes we are really busy getting our work done so projects often end up on the back burner. I like to take the holidays to work on some fun stuff if we can. Having a more relaxed schedule gives us time to work on those messy science projects and crafts.


Field trips, movies, pj days, etc. Slowing down allows more time for fun! We have enjoyed trips to museums, mini golf, etc. Making time to have fun together as a family really lets us rest and reset so that we are ready to get back to homeschooling once the summer break is over.


I don’t spend a lot of time on this one but it is important. Anytime we take a break from lessons, I like to evaluate our progress. Are the math lessons working? Do I need to tweak the schedule anywhere? When we are not in the midst of daily lessons it gives me more time to step away and see things with fresh eyes.

So there are five things we focus on while homeschooling during the summer: reading, math, projects, fun, and evaluations.