Plan them around Dad’s work schedule. I know many co-ops and groups plan field trips during the weekday and it can be fun to simply get out of the house, but after doing a couple of those I kept thinking to myself, “I wish my husband was here!” I wanted him to experience these events with the kids and enjoy this age while they were still young! I’m not talking about family vacations or outings but planned, educational field trips. This may seem challenging at first, but is well worth it for the whole family! Museums, farm visits and other activities can allow for dad to enjoy the perks of homeschooling as well!



We kid around with the children and friends that my husband is the “principal” of our school, but in reality that is what he is! I run the large curriculum choices by him first, he trusts my judgement with the little day-to-day activities but has his final say with big investments. I also try to save some of the kid’s work each week for him to look over and see how the children are progressing.



We recently took a class in our church called Growing Kids God’s Way, an 18-week parenting class from a biblical perspective. One suggestion they mention is having dad write special “notes” to his children. There is something special about receiving a note from your dad. It doesn’t have to be deep or lengthy, just written by dad for the child. Leaving this with their school work as a surprise once in a while is a special gesture. I love watching their little faces when they find them!



If you find yourself looking over the lessons plans for a week and find something that you think your husband would enjoy, break out of the mold! Put it on hold until he is home and do it later in the evening that day or on the weekend. Make it a point to involve him if it’s something he enjoys or has knowledge in! An in-depth science experiment, woodworking or electronic activities or even educational YouTube videos!



Maybe there is something dad wants you to incorporate into a particular day’s lesson but isn’t there to implement it. A Bible verse he wants the kids to memorize or a scavenger hunt using a compass with a map made out by dad himself! Surprise the kids once in a while with an activity created by dad and have the children share their experience with him when he comes home!


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Reposted with permission from Thrift Schooling