What Are We Really Teaching Our Children?

I’ve nicknamed my mobile device Perry. The reason for that is a funny story, but let’s save that for another time. “Hey, Perry, tell me a joke. Hey Perry, what is the capital of Peru? Hey Perry, give me directions to my friend’s house—never mind that I’ve been there a...

Get Out of the Trap and Find Grace

When our littles wake up or refuse to nap and show big emotions, we instinctively extend grace and compassion. As our big-feeling little ones try to accomplish day-to-day tasks, we guide them, break down big tasks into small steps, take our time, and make things fun....

Cabin Fever

I grew up in the Midwest and we raised our kids in the same area, so I am very familiar with freezing temperatures, snow, and hibernating. On the other hand, my husband grew up in California and winter for him meant rainy season with cool temperatures. Everything that...

Reading Slowly: Is Fast Always the Best?

I am a slow reader. Particularly when I’m reading to learn, I often read only as fast as I can talk—which can be incredibly slow when my Missouri drawl comes out—or if I start portraying different characters’ voices—which I often do. That said, I also have two degrees...

Math with Purpose – Digital Library

In this video Gina provides an overview of a new online resource for teaching Primary Mathematics? The developer of this library, Jessica Kaminski, equips parents to effectively teach Primary Mathematics. As an author of the Home Instructor's Guide for the Primary...

Grammar Galaxy

Grammar Galaxy is a fresh approach to grammar instruction. It weaves the instruction and exercises into an intergalactic story-line that is sure to excite your learners. They'll forget they're even learning grammar. Sara walks through this curriculum with you and...

Sequential Spelling

Sequential Spelling is a unique approach to teaching spelling. This straightforward curriculum side-steps all the drama of spelling rules and presents words in a fashion that makes sense to students that otherwise may struggle. We will be looking inside Sequential...

Finding YOUR Homeschool Identity

Hanging around our office, we have papers posted that state, “All you can do is all you can do, and that is all you can do!” Words of wisdom from a customer one day on the phone—words to take to heart! When we need that moment of direction and encouragement during our...

Benefits of a Chalkboard

I walked into my new classroom and there were two HUGE old chalkboards on the wall. All the memories of elementary school came flooding back and I recalled all the rainy-day recesses of drawing at the board, solving math problems with my classmates, and the joy of...

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas is a delightful tale known by parents and children alike. As you read those five simple words, did you find yourself continuing, “And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse”? Part of Christmas tradition for...

What Are We Really Teaching Our Children?

I’ve nicknamed my mobile device Perry. The reason for that is a funny story, but let’s save that for another time. “Hey, Perry, tell me a joke. Hey Perry, what is the capital of Peru? Hey Perry, give me directions to my friend’s house—never mind that I’ve been there a...

Get Out of the Trap and Find Grace

When our littles wake up or refuse to nap and show big emotions, we instinctively extend grace and compassion. As our big-feeling little ones try to accomplish day-to-day tasks, we guide them, break down big tasks into small steps, take our time, and make things fun....

Cabin Fever

I grew up in the Midwest and we raised our kids in the same area, so I am very familiar with freezing temperatures, snow, and hibernating. On the other hand, my husband grew up in California and winter for him meant rainy season with cool temperatures. Everything that...

Reading Slowly: Is Fast Always the Best?

I am a slow reader. Particularly when I’m reading to learn, I often read only as fast as I can talk—which can be incredibly slow when my Missouri drawl comes out—or if I start portraying different characters’ voices—which I often do. That said, I also have two degrees...

Math with Purpose – Digital Library

In this video Gina provides an overview of a new online resource for teaching Primary Mathematics? The developer of this library, Jessica Kaminski, equips parents to effectively teach Primary Mathematics. As an author of the Home Instructor's Guide for the Primary...

Grammar Galaxy

Grammar Galaxy is a fresh approach to grammar instruction. It weaves the instruction and exercises into an intergalactic story-line that is sure to excite your learners. They'll forget they're even learning grammar. Sara walks through this curriculum with you and...

Sequential Spelling

Sequential Spelling is a unique approach to teaching spelling. This straightforward curriculum side-steps all the drama of spelling rules and presents words in a fashion that makes sense to students that otherwise may struggle. We will be looking inside Sequential...

Finding YOUR Homeschool Identity

Hanging around our office, we have papers posted that state, “All you can do is all you can do, and that is all you can do!” Words of wisdom from a customer one day on the phone—words to take to heart! When we need that moment of direction and encouragement during our...

Benefits of a Chalkboard

I walked into my new classroom and there were two HUGE old chalkboards on the wall. All the memories of elementary school came flooding back and I recalled all the rainy-day recesses of drawing at the board, solving math problems with my classmates, and the joy of...

Twas the Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas is a delightful tale known by parents and children alike. As you read those five simple words, did you find yourself continuing, “And all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse”? Part of Christmas tradition for...