Author: Michele Pleasants

Living deliberately

With 2018 here (yes I am a few days behind) there are a few things I have decided to be more purposeful about.  Let’s don’t go crazy and call them New Year’s Resolutions, but really, they are things I want to see growth or change in.

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Homeschooling Through the Holidays

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are drawing near and the excitement is growing. When you homeschool, that often means distracted kiddos and derailed lesson plans. Let’s face it, there is something about cold temps, warm fires, snow, and all things Christmas that can just pull at our attention. Not to mention decorations to put up and big feasts to plan, right?

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A Month of Thankfulness

I do not want too much time in this month to go by before I mention thankfulness. It is after all, the month to spotlight that theme, right? While I fully believe that we should teach our children (and ourselves) the many lessons of thankfulness, I must admit that it often gets buried beneath the piles of schoolwork and laundry if I am not careful.

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The 5 Essentials of Homeschooling

Let’s talk a little about school supplies. I know, I know, the sales are over and your cabinets are filled to the rim. But with what? “School supplies.” Now that is a pretty broad subject, so to make your life, and mine, a bit easier I have decided to share with you what I consider the top 5 Essentials of Homeschooling. While I know everyone is a bit different, these are the things I could not do without.

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