Author: Janice Price

Keeping It Super Simple

We start homeschooling with a vision, don’t we? Maybe it isn’t exactly like the Do Re Me scene in Sound of Music but it’s probably veering in that direction. How many days? – hours? – minutes? does it take for us to recognize that our reality is going to look much different?

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Curriculum Is Your Servant

Curriculum should be your servant. You are not its slave. You might have heard it from Ruth Beechick; or from Debbie Strayer. And undoubtedly many others have given voice to this very basic counsel. And yet, when we first pull out that teacher’s manual, it’s the first thing we forget.

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Games to Enhance Learning

Games can be valuable in your homeschool. For: skills reinforcement, concept introduction, fact acquisition and memorization, thinking skills development not to mention physical dexterity, paying attention, learning to wait your turn, and fun!

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A Philosophy of Education

Many times as new homeschoolers or even as not-so-new-homeschoolers we’re encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of home education. That sounds a little scary, doesn’t it? But really, all it means is that you’ve thought through some very basic factors that define your home school and that will impact your homeschooling curriculum choices.

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