Author: Heather Vogler

A song in the night

It wasn’t the dark that she was afraid of. It was the monsters. In the dark. She was convinced they were there and nothing could change her mind. Her bedtime routine had never had complications before, until now. It took awhile, but she eventually outgrew this stage. After prayer, consoling, and giving it some time, she finally was able to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

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When the weather outside is frightful

The adrenaline tends to keep me going around the holidays. Dreary weather can’t get me down because my eyes are focused on what is ahead. The fun, family, baking and celebration of the Jesus’ birth. I keep the kids busy during these months, right into the new year. Enter the New Year. Our friend Winter.

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Are you qualified to homeschool?

Some states require homeschooling parents to have a high school diploma or GED, but many states have no educational qualifications for homeschool parents. If some people we encounter knew that this was the minimal amount of education legally needed to homeschool, they might roll their eyes and think homeschooled children are merely sliding by with the bare minimum.

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Winter inspired art projects

Do you find yourself skipping art altogether because of a failed art curriculum in the past? Is it easy to trudge through your math and language arts books and somehow get through it by the end of the year. Then you leave your art plans by the wayside?

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Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Growing up, I always enjoyed decorating a box for Valentine’s day and carefully selecting the cutest cards for my classmates. When I first started homeschooling I wasn’t too concerned about my children not partaking in this tradition. It really wasn’t a big deal to me, or them, because we have plenty of fun on so many other levels!

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