Author: Heather Vogler

What About The Toddlers?

When I refer to toddler I mean any child that is able to, well, toddle around the house. Sometimes even the ones who are crawling because as you know, they will and do get into Every. Single. Thing. Watching a toddler is a job in and of itself. So how are we supposed to homeschool our older ones with toddlers underfoot? I’m still trying to figure this one out. But, since I am still in the thick of it, I will share a few insights that I hope will be helpful to those who have may wondering if this whole homeschooling with toddlers in the house thing is actually doable. Let me be the first to tell you, it is.

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Delight-directed writing

Writing does not just come naturally. A child verbalizing their thoughts and communicating them through writing are two completely different things. As homeschooling parents, it might frustrate us to no end. How do we encourage the intimidated writer?

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