Author: Deanne Crawford

Doing It All

As a homeschooling Mom, do you ever feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, your “to-do” list and the sundry of expectations placed on you from others or yourself?

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Unit Studies for Every Family

Unit studies provide an excellent conduit for learning as they teach our children through a Hands-on approach, incorporating different learning styles with proven success in the home and classroom setting. So, why is it that many parents break out in a cold sweat and feel totally overwhelmed with the idea of unit studies?

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A Mom of the Word

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 – I would suspect that every homeschool mom has heard this verse referenced as THE homeschool motto or vision verse. While I wholeheartedly agree that this beautiful verse does have significant application to us as parents, I wonder if the busy mom reading this has struggled to apply this verse?

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