We have all had a tiring and mentally draining year. With Christmas upon us, I needed a reminder to enjoy the season and be more gracious during these difficult times. We already put up all of our Christmas decorations and our tree and it’s not even Thanksgiving yet. It just seemed right this year.

As this year comes to a close and we go into the Christmas season, I hope these reminders of spreading Christmas cheer help your family to bless others. My family has plans to serve others and do for others more than we ever have this year. So many people need it and we are blessed enough to be able to give and do for others. I don’t say that as bragging. We have never been able to do this before and God has given us this opportunity. I don’t want to let Him down.


How to Spread Christmas Cheer as a Family:


  1. Make a meal for your pastor and his family- Pastors have had a rough year trying to comply with all the mandates and restrictions put upon the churches. Making them a meal will bless them and help take the load off of at least one meal. See if you can get other church members to bring meals as well so they can be blessed all month long.
  2. Pay for someone else’s meal or coffee- we don’t go out often but paying for the person behind you in a drive-thru brings so much joy. I’ve been the recipient of this act of kindness and I was so shocked and happy.
  3. Make cookies for your neighbors- we do this every year and deliver them on Christmas Eve. This year may be a little different when we deliver and leave them on the porch but we will still do this. Christmas cookies are so yummy.
  4. Make cards for those in care facilities- some of those folks have not left their facility or even seen family in months. Sending a card and letter of encouragement will bring a smile to their faces.
  5. Make a care basket for a shut-in- our church has a list of shut-ins (those who are homebound because of age or illness). Get a name or two and make a basket of things for the home or essentials. It will surely bless them and bring them peace this Christmas season.
  6. Put out a snack and drink basket for delivery drivers- delivery drivers have been working this whole entire time non-stop. They will work extra hard this holiday season delivering presents for your family. Put a basket on the porch with a sign for them to take snacks and drinks to refresh themselves as they work hard. Add some different snacks like crackers, chips, cookies, candy, etc. Put some water and gatorades as well. This is a small way to thank them for working hard for us.


These are just a few ideas to help bring cheer to others during these very trying times. Many people have lost jobs, lost loved ones, or are just suffering from loneliness. These small things can bring so much joy to a hurting heart.