So many people get extremely stressed out around the holidays. Not enough money, not enough time, family drama, unexpected illnesses. I think I’ve been through all of these and more. Though life can throw all kinds of curveballs, it feels especially awful and difficult. We only want to have a peaceful holiday season, after all.

I am using the term “holiday season” in this post because I am including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. Those are all so close together that I can’t separate them for one post. We love this time of year and want it to be as peaceful as possible.

A couple of years ago I decided I wasn’t going to let the stress of life make my holiday season less than peaceful and joyful. I have taken steps to ensure that my family feels relaxed and peaceful during this time of year. They are not all focused on Christ but they do bring joy to my family.


How to have a peaceful holiday season:


  1. Put the Christmas decorations up a little early- most people wait until after Thanksgiving. We put our decorations up at the beginning of November. It gives us time to enjoy them and not have to rush the season. We enjoy the lights on the tree and the nativity scene. It gets our hearts ready for Christmas.
  2. Listen to Christmas music- I start listening to Christmas music in early November. My children LOVE Christmas music. We dance and sing while cooking in the kitchen and driving in the car.
  3. Watch Hallmark movies- this may not be your thing. I get it. But it is our thing. The Hallmark Christmas movies are so sweet. There is usually no bad language, intimate images, nudity, etc. They are pretty innocent. My boys absolutely adore Hallmark movies. It relaxes us and always has a good ending. There is minimal drama as well.
  4. Watch your favorite Christmas movies- we start watching Christmas movies in October. We just get so excited about the holidays. Watching our favorite movies gets us in the holiday spirit. Make a list of your favorites and put it on your holiday bucket list. One of our favorites is A White Christmas. A classic!
  5. Read Thanksgiving and Christmas books aloud- I have a home library with tons holiday themed books. I pull some each week to read. In November, it is all Thanksgiving and fall books. In December, it’s all Christmas and winter books. We love to read aloud as a family.
  6. Bake some holiday treats- this is so fun and can be as complicated or simple as you make it. Even getting a boxed mix of some sort and making it together can be so peaceful and fun. You can also make candy and cookies that are holiday themed (Pilgrim hats made of chocolate candy, etc). So many ideas are out there. I love doing this with my kids.
  7. Stay away from family drama- this is easier said than done. I’ve seen my fair share of family drama and it makes for a very stressful holiday season. I have made an effort to stay away from those toxic family members. It may not be ideal but it can be done. It doesn’t mean you have to forego family events. But you can limit your time around someone who causes anxiety and stress. Remember to always have a Christlike attitude about though. Pray for them but don’t get involved in the drama.
  8. Do an Advent activity or devotion as a family- we do an Advent devotion every year. There are many different ones out there. Search for a Biblically based books and activities that will make Jesus the center of your holiday season.
  9. Serve others more- we take this time of year to do for others more than ourselves. We have baked goodies for our neighbors and delivered them. We have gone caroling to the edlerly. We have made cards for the military. We’ve made blankets for the homeless. There are so many ideas. Try searching for a holiday “acts of kindness” calendar. It will help guide you in serving others. It feels so good to help others.
  10. Light a holiday scented candle- yes, this simple act can make you feel like you are at peace with the world. I have one that smells like a Christmas tree. It puts me right in the spirit and the flickering light makes me feel so peaceful.


No matter how you spend your holidays, they can be peaceful. Make a conscience effort to have a more peaceful holiday season this year. Get your priorities straight and set yourself up for a successful and joyful time of year with your family.