Maybe your last quarter of homeschooling didn’t go so well due to the happenings in the world. Or, maybe you’re a brand new homeschooler and quaratineschooling just didn’t do the trick. Have you considered year-round schooling?

I know you’re thinking schooling every day, year-round can get boring and tedious! You’re right! But that’s the furthest thing from reality as there are some definite bonuses to schooling year-round.

Let’s start off by defining schooling year-round. This does not mean that you are spending every waking moment with your nose in a book! Year-round schooling means that your school year lasts a full year and not crammed into 9 months. This gives you the ultimate freedom to be flexible entirely at your discretion!

For example, living in the tropics, during the crazy heat, we schooled heavily and then took time off when the weather was bearable. This enabled us to enjoy the better weather while our public school counterparts were in a stuffy building all day long. We also avoided those intense pockets of overscheduling that come roaring together when sports, co-ops, and academics collide! When we left the more hardcore academics for periods when co-op and sports weren’t so intense, it made for less stress and better learning for all!

Another benefit to year-round schooling is that time off can be taken for emergencies without stressing over lost time. Since learning happens year-round, picking back up after an emergency passes isn’t difficult. You’re able to deal with the emergency without the extra worry! A definite plus during stressful times.

Scheduled times of rest or “Sabbath weeks” can be included every 6-8 weeks. These breaks make for pleasant respites in between craziness. Not only do these periods of rest help academically, mentally, and emotionally, but it is a great way to incorporate travel into the schedule. Which in turn can coincide with subjects being learned during formal schooling. This is also a great way to build some fantastic lasting memories!

Schooling year around afforded us the freedom to be in total control of our schedule. Other perks included taking Thanksgiving through Christmas off to enjoy the holiday without the craziness. Being able to go to public places such as museums, amusement parks, and historical sites during off-peak times. We were able to partake in the culture and fun while avoiding crowds. And let’s not forget the benefit of not fretting the times we had to take off due to emergencies or extended sicknesses.

If this sounds like a way of life you’d like your homeschool to embody, I would strongly suggest giving year-round schooling a try!