We live in an age of social media craze. Everyone is on social media of some kind. If you aren’t, you must live in a cave. Most young people live on social media and can’t get enough of it. It has become so popular that it is in every conversation and every TV show.

I am not on social media very much. As a matter of fact, I only have two platforms. But, I have grown weary when I hop on and all I see is negative. Oh it has made my heart ache with sadness for this world. That’s why I am saying no to social media for a time.

I never post anything on Facebook or Instagram but I do like to get on and check out what others are doing. I like to read what’s in the news and keep up with friends and family. But the comments from people absolutely make me sick. It has actually given me anxiety on more than one occasion.

My husband gave up social media years ago. He said it was too negative for him. I have held out for a long time and finally it became very clear to me. Even the news is sad and horrible.

There are many positive and amazing aspects of social media. I actually follow many wonderful people and accounts that have inspired me to do better and be better. But the negative lately has far outweighed the positive.

After praying and talking to my husband about it, my heart desires to have a closer relationship with God and to have less stress and anxiety. Since social media is a trigger for me, I will give it up for a while and use that time to pray and read my Bible. My goal is to become closer to God while staying present with my children and husband. They are the most important things in my life.

I am in no way suggesting that everyone do as I do. This is my journey and experience. But, I do want to encourage you to pray about anything that may upset you or give you anxiety and stress. God wants better for us and if something is truly that bad, seek wise counsel, give it up (as in social media), and pray. Saying no to something or someone that isn’t good in your life can be very freeing and give you an opportunity to seek God’s will.