It had finally cooled down to about 89 degrees. The breeze was refreshing after several months of temperatures that rarely dipped below 100.. Though unusually hot for what I was used to, the four months I had spent in India teaching English had flown by. Waiting for my ride to the airport images of the children and our times playing, singing, laughing and enjoying spicy meals together flashed through my mind. Holding back the tears I pulled out a picture of my fiance that I was going home to, smiled and wondered what adventures on the mission field we would experience together.

After a few short months of marriage, we became pregnant with our first child. Halfway through the pregnancy, she died, never able to experience life here on earth. God was good and blessed us quickly after that, with a boy. Over the next ten years, we had four more. As we learned about parenthood together, how to support a growing family and how to trust in God throughout the difficult times, I always wondered, “why isn’t this happening overseas, on the mission field?” My husband and I had always envisioned ourselves raising our family in another country, serving others and sharing the gospel of Jesus.

Year after year, I would wonder when it would happen and hoped it wouldn’t be when my kids were out of the house and my husband and I were retired. Our hope was to raise them on the mission field. It just wasn’t happening. So instead of letting it get me down, I decided that it was important to instill a love for missions into their hearts. I had hope that someday we would be on the mission field, as a family, together so I decided to start filling their hearts with stories, experiences and a taste for other cultures. Just recently, we moved to Mexico to work on a permaculture project for an orphanage, Our dreams our beginning to come alive. Though we have only committed to a year, it is getting their feet wet and I am excited that God is bringing this dream to pass.

While in the waiting mode, the following are some examples of how I tried to instill a love for mission in my kids:

Unit Studies

I had my eldest son do a research paper on missionary and martyr, Jim Elliott.  While we are in Mexico, we are reading Gladys Aylward and my kids are hanging on every word. I have always loved the movie based on her story, The Inn of the Sixth Happiness, but reading about her story is so much more detailed and powerful. Of course when we read books I like to share the movie with my kids after the fact and both Jim Elliott and Gladys Aylward have movies based on their lives so that is a plus.

The Brinkman Adventures

This audio series was actually a great prepping tool for my kids. Interestingly enough, the first week we were on the mission field I quoted a line from one of the stories because it was relevant and something my kids could relate to. The stories are fun, high-energy and inspiring.

International Night

When my kids were little we did this at home. Once they were a bit older, we started going to ones that our local homeschool group held. Learning about other cultures through traditional dress, food, music and stories is a great way to teach your children about another culture without seeming too school-y.

Short-Term Missions Trip

There are plenty of  opportunities through local churches and youth groups for your kids to go on short-term mission trip but have you ever considered a family mission trip? It’s a great bonding experience. We did it last spring and it changed our lives. Some organizations are set up for families and others might be willing to accommodate you while you are there serving.

Study Paul’s Missionary Journeys

A few years back, as a family, we read through the life and work of Paul. Reading the Word and going over what it says about missions can certainly ignite a fire in your heart that won’t go away.

Community Service

Serving the local community is a great way to get your kids out of their comfort zone. It’s so easy to get caught up in the same routine that we can forget about the needs of others in our community. Get creative. Think beyond the local soup kitchen and angel tree. See a need and meet it. Make a meal struggling family that you met at the park or surprise a neighbor with an organized work day to clean up their lawn. Have your kids rake lawns for free or offer to pick up trash in the parking lot of a local business, all in the Name of the Lord.

What have you done to instill a love for missions in your child’s heart?