Tag: teens

My child just turned 18. Now what?

Your child just turned 18. Congratulations to you and your offspring on making it through to adulthood! So, now that they are 18, you’re done. Right? Well, no. Like many parents upon the eve of the birth of their child, looks far out into the future and envisions the day of impending adulthood.

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Cherishing Your Older Children

Little babies are so sweet and cute. To bring one into your family life is a game-changer for sure. Even so, it seems as though the camera lens is often aimed in their direction, as it should be, capturing smiles and funny faces, little fingers and tufts of hair.

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The Secret to Homeschooling a Rebellious Teen

Overnight, a well-behaved teen can suddenly transform into a door slamming, eye rolling and tantrum throwing person you hardly recognize. The secret to homeschooling a rebellious teen may seem elusive. However, now that I’m homeschooling my third teen, I’ve learned a trick or two that can help you to sail through a difficult time.

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