Tag: technology


STEM, STEAM, STREAM – Are you confused? You see these acronyms plastered everywhere. Not just on your educational materials, but on toys and kits and things that are supposed to be fun. So what does this all mean?

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A Lost Cause

I’ve been accused of being old-fashioned. No shame here, I’ll wear the title proudly. Of course, change happens and life goes on. Smartphones have replaced corded wall phones. Computers have replaced the card catalog and the GPS has eliminated the need for fold up maps neatly stacked in your glove compartment.

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Computer Usage in Your Homeschool

A home computer is a double edged sword. While there are opportunities for learning, there’s equal opportunities for “brain drain”. When people find out we homeschool, the most commonly asked question is whether or not we use the computer /online curriculum for our schooling.

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10 Ways to Create Technology Boundaries

How do you determine appropriate technology boundaries that work for you and your family? You have 10 ways to create boundaries that will work at any age. It’s very important to find technology boundaries with children of all ages, so they can have a healthy, happy childhood and grow into healthy, happy young adults!

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