Tag: responsibilities

What comes first?

As homeschool mamas, we have a ton of things pulling us in different directions. At times, we feel stressed, we feel overwhelmed, we feel inadequate, just like anyone else doing whatever work it is they do all day. So, what do you do to handle it all?

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3 Practical Pets for Kids

“Can I have a horse?” Most young girls have asked their parents this question with hopes held high. I’d love to surprise my little girl with a horse one day. One she can ride in our woods. A horse that she can train to jump, trot, canter and gallop. One that she can show in local competitions. Of course, every time I even slightly consider the idea, I am reminded by my husband who grew up with horses, of the continual cost of vet bills, feed, and upkeep.

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Doing It All

As a homeschooling Mom, do you ever feel overwhelmed by your responsibilities, your “to-do” list and the sundry of expectations placed on you from others or yourself?

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