Tag: nature

3 Homeschool Hacks You Can’t Miss This Summer

Summer is traditionally a time of rest and relaxation from the grueling school year schedule. Many families find the summer months pass quickly. Self-motivated children find ways to stay busy and learn more casually; the rest of us find our children have too much free time on their hands. Not guaranteed to completely erase summer boredom, these 3 summer hacks are a great way to guide children into learning!

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Backyard Wildcrafting

Take a step outside into your backyard and you might be surprised with what you’ll find. Once you started homeschooling, I’ll bet you began looking at your yard with entirely different lenses. No longer do you simply see clouds in the sky, now you see cumulus or stratus clouds!

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Bird Study – Part 1

One of my favorite finds was Thornton Burgess’, The Bird Book For Children. At first glance, it appeared extremely overwhelming. I decided to try it. I figured I would share a large amount of information and hope that they would grasp what they could. And they have!

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Kid’s Guide to Exploring Nature

The art of nature study is immensely pleasurable and educational for our children. However, as parents we often experience frustration at how to provide a worthwhile study. If this describes you, this book may quickly become your most valuable tool in the pursuit of nature studies.

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