Tag: inspiration

Go-to breakfast ideas

What does your breakfast routine look like? Is it a free for all, a mega-ordeal, or planned-to-the-T process? Regardless of your style, if you are looking for a bit of breakfast inspiration, here are several of my go-to ideas.

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Dear Mom

Dear Mom, I know it is not easy. From the first day you decided to homeschool your children; emotions were high and the excitement was at it’s peak, till now, when the school year is coming to a close, the pressure is on.

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The Education of the Founding Fathers

I’ve been thinking lately about what is essential in education, and in honor of Independence Day, thought it might be interesting to take a look at the education of America’s founding fathers. What did they read that created minds attuned to freedom and the communication skills to impart the vision?

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Home Scholars: An Interview with Lee Binz

Lee Binz is a veteran homeschool mom with two grown kids. You might know her from The HomeScholar. She happens to also be one of our super-duper guest contributors here! Recently, Lee agreed to do an interview about her homeschooling experience. I’m excited to give you a glimpse now into the life of The HomeScholar!

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Weird & Unsocialized: An Interview with Kris Bales

Kris Bales is a homeschool mom of three kids, author of the blog Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers. She’s also one of our super-duper guest contributors here! Recently, I asked Kris if she’d be willing to do an interview about her homeschooling journey. She agreed, so now I’m stoked to present a glimpse into her perspective of homeschooling.

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