Tag: character

Character Building For Children

Character traits is one of the most important subjects my children will ever learn. Everything from kindness to compassion, gentleness to cheerfulness, truthfulness to hospitality. There are so many character traits to learn that I simply cannot name them all.

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Please Pass the Character Building

Don’t forgot to teach your kids about character, the value of compromise and getting along with others as you instruct them in the rigors of academia! Here’s a great example from our own homeschool! It was one of those icky, yucky, rainy, dreary, pent up too long kind of days.

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How to Not Provoke Your Child to Anger

Do you have an angry child? It can become extremely frustrating to know how to deal with them since it usually stirs up so many emotions in the parent, when a child’s anger surfaces. Know this; they can change. Also, if you feel as though you may have been provoking them to this behavior, you can change as well.

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Teaching Character in Peace

Many parents wait until the heat of the moment to teach their children character traits. Classic example; their child hits another kid on the playground. Embarrassed and ashamed the parent says to them, “We don’t hit! Say you are sorry.”

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2 Simple Ways to Encourage Thankfulness

We live in a world that constantly informs us that we deserve more, better, and bigger things in order to be happy. As a mom striving to cultivate a heart of gratitude and contentment in my children, I find myself going against the American grain in a whole lot of ways!

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Discipleship as a Lifestyle

Whether we strive to achieve the perfect discipleship moment every morning through the plethora of resources available or we seek the perfect evening Bible time when Dad can be present, have you ever felt that discipling your children has become a series of boxes that simply need to be “checked off” on your daily to-do list?

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