Tag: change

Homeschool Mashup

We’ve had one crazy summer! It’s the kind of summer that makes you reconsider your whole homeschooling lifestyle. Within the last few weeks I’ve had to sit down and analyze every bit of our homeschool makeup. I took a hard look at where my children are and where they are headed.

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Getting Back on Track

By the time spring arrives, many home school moms are often looking forward to the next school year. The reason varies for each individual; for some the year hasn’t gone as planned while for others they are anticipating the start of something new.

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Transitioning from School to Homeschool

Removing children from regular school and homeschooling can be a tough road. It can depend on whether the children are keen to homeschool or whether it’s all mum and dad’s idea. Even the children who are on board with the change can struggle with it at times. It’s a big shift for everyone and I think it’s important to realise that there will be some uphill stretches.

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Organization: Implementing a New Routine

I’ve discovered our priorities and passions, I’ve planned out a workable routine…it’s time to dump it on the kids, right? Surprise them one Monday morning after a relaxing Christmas break or summer holiday? No! That’s the fast-road to burn-out for me and my children!

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