Tag: analysis

Teacher Reboot: Retreat! [Part 2]

Are you driving full force into your school year? Don’t take the GPS approach! Hit the brakes, stop “at the side of the road” and look back! Why look back when you want to move forward? Well, how do you know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been?

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When Reading Becomes Literature

Somewhere between first grade phonics and high school graduation, reading becomes “literature.” No one would seriously contend that “Dot had a dog. The dog is Mag.” is literature and no one would dispute that To Kill a Mockingbird is anything less.

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Reading Comprehension

You often hear parents share their child’s reading level, but what about their reading comprehension level? This is something a bit different. Reading is the skill of reading printed matter, while reading comprehension is the ability to read text, process it and understand its meaning.

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Take A Stand! History

It’s history – and beyond! Starting where most courses leave off (with the data), Take a Stand! seeks to teach students how to start with one of the many debatable questions from history, gather information/data, analyze it, think about it critically, formulate an opinion, and be prepared and skilled at stating and defending it coherently.

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