Do you want to foster a love of learning in your children? Of course you do! Here are some tips to help your kids love their homeschool!

One of the greatest attributes of homeschooling is flexibility! Why stick to boring workbooks when you can give your children true hands-on and inspirational learning. Studying Geography? Pull out a real globe or map and put an actual picture to the places you are teaching about in their heads. Throw in some ethnic recipes from the countries you learn about to help leave a lasting mark.

Got History? Please take a break from that boring textbook! Supplement with historical fiction to help give your child a true flavor of the time period. Add in movies or engaging documentaries. These are sure to open up a great time of discussion and more learning!

Working on Math? Why not take it to the store? Grocery store math is a great way for kids to not only work on their basic math skills but, percentages, sales tax, budgets, and even nutrition can seamlessly be woven into this outing. At the register, make sure your children calculate and count the change!

Reading and comprehension? Put down that boring reader, head to the library and load up on living books. Read alongside your child and ask them questions along the way. Working with an older student with a book you’ve never read? Have no fear, take to the internet for comprehension questions that will help in having a great discussion.

How about science? Science is meant to be active and fun! Add to your textbook by including experiments! If the thought of pulling these off have you feeling anxious, get together with some other families and take turns with this hands-on learning.

Speaking of getting together with others, don’t forget to make time to spend with other homeschoolers! Get together for fun, learning, or just to blow off steam. No homeschooler is an island and that includes you!

One of the goals of homeschooling is to foster a lifetime love of learning. Forgoing large amounts of textbook and worksheet learning and putting hands-on, active learning in place will go a long way towards that goal. Your kids won’t remember that “awesome” worksheet page anyway. Take time to follow interests now. You could help spark an interest in a future career or discover a hidden talent along the way!