Today, let’s consider the final word in the motto: “Fortis,” or “Stronger”. During the bleakness and coldness of winter, are you feeling weak? Do you feel that your strength is waning and that it takes every ounce of energy you have to press forward?

Over the past few weeks, we have been inspired through applying the Olympic game motto to our homeschool adventure. The Olympic Motto, “Citius-Altius-Fortis” or “Faster-Higher-Stronger” provides a framework that can be used to motivate us toward the goal in which we have been called, the upward call of home-educating our children.

Today, let’s consider the final word in the motto: “Fortis,” or “Stronger”. During the bleakness and coldness of winter, are you feeling weak? Do you feel that your strength is waning and that it takes every ounce of energy you have to press forward?

Take courage! The race we run as homeschool moms is a marathon. A marathon filled with hills and valleys. A marathon immersed by drought and floods. Let’s be honest. Life simply has a way of happening. The beauty of homeschooling is that our children can learn to thrive in real life. They are not sequestered behind a closed door with 25 other children of the same age, being stripped of their personal individuality. Rather, they are living a unique life, their life, one that is filled with beauty and pain. A life interwoven with family and friends; blessings, and, yes, difficult circumstances. Teaching children to remember that this life has been given by God for His purposes and to be faithful and strong through the good and the bad is one of the most valuable life lessons we can provide. Often, this is best “taught not caught”, meaning our children will learn more through observing our response to the blessings and the difficulties.

I love what C.S. Lewis said: “The great thing, if we can, is to stop regarding all the unpleaant things as interrupotions of one’s own or real life. The truth is of course that waht one calles one’s own “real life” is a phantom of one’s own imagination. This is at least what I see at moments of instight, but it’s hard to remember all the times.”

Interruptions to our homeschool come in a variety of ways from a child’s disobedience and resultant character training to a significant family stressor like loss of job or grave illness. This is real life, our life. But through the interruptions, through our real life, we strive to press on toward the goal for which we have been called.

I believe the Apostle Paul said it best, in Philippians 3:12-14:

“Not that I have already obtained all of this, or have already b een made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for wich Christ Jesus too hold of me. Brothers (and Sisters!), I do not consier myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towrd what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Press on. Forget the mistakes of yesterday and push forward. Whether you are dealing with attitude struggles in little ones, learning challenges in older children, financial difficulties or even significant health struggles, take courage. You are called heavenward, for a greater purpose. Be Strong in His Calling. Press On toward the goal. His reward awaits you.

Be Strong and Courageous!

— Deanne