When I was growing up, we rarely had guests over. We were poor and didn’t have much to offer. It was a difficult time. As I am aging and have my children in tow, I want them to be more hospitable to people. I want to show them how to care for others and be more welcoming. We can do those things no matter how much money we have. The only real requirement is time. 

I absolutely love having people over to my home. I love making a special treat to share and sitting on our porch while the kids play in the yard. I call it “visiting”. I really enjoy going to other people’s homes as well. Getting out to see others keeps relationships going and makes you feel connected to family and friends. If you don’t put in any effort, how will the relationship survive?

Making your home more hospitable does not require fancy furniture and decorations. It does not require a full catered buffet. What it does require is your time and investing it in others. It requires you to open your home to someone no matter what is going on in your life. 


Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Hospitable:

  1. Make time for others- invite a friend from church or co-op to come over one afternoon and set that time aside just for them. 
  2. Have a small snack and beverage available- it doesn’t have to be homemade or expensive. Just having some cheese and crackers or a few cookies to munch on will be all you need. You could make a pot of hot tea or have some iced tea ready depending on the mood and season. 
  3. Light a candle- a good-smelling candle can make any home feel more welcoming. This is optional, of course. But, I love when my home smells good and we have company. 
  4. Clean the bathroom- I say this one because I have all boys. If you know what I’m talking about, you get it. The last thing I want is for my guest to use our restroom with sprinkles on the seat. Yuck! Just go through and wipe the surfaces and put a fresh towel on the bar. Make sure there is soap as well. Again, all boys in my home. 
  5. Relax- yes, just relax and enjoy your company. Whether it’s just your mom stopping by to say hi to the grandkids or a friend you haven’t seen in years. Enjoy your time together. Have an activity for your kids (and theirs if they have them) to play and keep them busy so you can have adult conversation. 


Opening your home to others does not have to be stressful. Your house doesn’t have to be perfectly clean and look like a magazine. Most people know how it is to have little kids. Make time for your friends and family and invite them to your home. Get to know someone new or keep a relationship going. No matter what, always be welcoming, kind, and joyful about having guests in your home.