As you embark on another homeschooling year, it helps to keep in mind the reasons why you chose to homeschool. This will help maintain momentum throughout the year. But, did you know there are some secrets many homeschool moms know that bring success throughout the journey? Here is my list.

What is your mission statement

Out in the world, every business has a mission statement or purpose. Your homeschool should have one too! Incorporate your “why” into what you want for your children and make this vision into a written statement posted where everyone can see it. Review this statement frequently. Reflect on it and embrace it!

Make your curriculum choices based on your householdĀ 

It’s so easy to fall into the “Jones’ are doing xyz” trap. Instead, stick to curriculum choices that you can execute, fall in line with your mission statement, and meet your children’s learning needs.

To schedule or not to schedule

No one knows your family better than you! While I personally believe a schedule is a wonderful tool in helping your children navigate the flow of the day, I also know it should not be your master. So make your plan, but plan for your plan not to get executed perfectly. Flexibility is the key to happiness!

Be kind to yourself

All too often, I see moms taking care of themselves as the last thing on the list or given such low priority that it’s forgotten. There’s only one of you! Take some time to drink your coffee while it’s hot, have some prayer time (even if it’s only five minutes), take a walk, make time to eat nutritiously. Don’t burn yourself out by constantly being last.

Let go of all or nothing

You don’t have to do it all. Teach what you can ask for help on the things you cannot. You don’t have to attend every extracurricular out there for your children to have a well-rounded education. Instead, do those things that bring the most life to your homeschool and save the rest for another season.

No mom is an island

On this homeschool journey, you are not on your own. There are so many beautiful friendships to be birthed through co-ops and groups. Homeschooling is booming and growing with each passing day. There’s nothing better than giving and receiving encouragement along the way!


Check out a wide variety of homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!