Most of us know the story of Mary and Martha from the Bible (found in Luke 10). Jesus came to visit their home. Martha, being the gracious hostess, was busy preparing food and festivities. Mary, Martha’s sister, say at the feet of Jesus soaking in and beholding every word He spoke. Martha saw her sister just sitting there and not helping her. She goes to Jesus and calls her sister out in front of everyone. Jesus tells Martha these words “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

Are you choosing the “good portion” in your homeschool? Are you doing the “one thing” that is necessary? So many things distract us from God. A busy schedule, a never-ending to-do list, children who misbehave, too much to do in our homeschool each day. What does God say about this? He says “choose the good portion, which will not be taken away from you”. That means, choosing Him. Doing His will and following His plan will never leave us feeling void. It will never leave us feeling like a failure.

You see, God has given us purpose in our lives. To glorify Him in all we do. To be missionaries no matter where we are, even in our homes. Teaching our children first about God’s love and saving grace are the most important things. Those to-do lists can wait. They will be there tomorrow. Taking time to let Jesus’ words wash over you will take away any anxiety, trouble, and stress. The Holy Spirit gives you prompts throughout the day (at least for me). It tugs at my heart when I choose the unsatisfying things. Those are the times when God has some real truths for me to hear. If only I will take the time to listen.

When we take the time to sit at the feet of Jesus just like Mary did, our ears are opened. Our eyes are opened. He has a message to give to you every day if only we will slow down and listen. We can’t hear Jesus through all the noise and mess of life if we don’t take time for Him. Martha was choosing to do busy work. Sure, it probably needed to be done. But, Jesus’ message to Martha was simple: Mary is choosing the better thing. What Mary is choosing to do will be with her forever. The housework can wait until after the important things are done.

Homeschooling is not easy. I have many people who think I just hand out worksheets and call it a day. If only it were that simple. Homeschooling is about raising up my children to know and serve the Lord. It is about teaching them what’s important in life. If I am always hurried and angry and short with my children, they will grow up thinking that is how life should be. People, this is not the message we receive from Luke 10. Jesus says to choose the better thing. Choose to make Him your priority and everything else will get done in time.

This time of year can feel so hectic. We go here and there to see family and friends. We go shopping and do some baking. We try to do it all. Jesus says to only do what is necessary. Making time for Jesus and God’s word is necessary as a Christian to further your walk with Him. No matter how long you have been a Christian it is always a good thing to be in His presence.

So make sure there is time each day to be with Him. Spend time telling your children about Him. The Bible tells us “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6). Those are the good things, the important things, the things that will not be taken from you.