I’ve heard from countless parents that they are going stir-crazy since nobody knows when all of this is going to end. It is difficult to make plans and it’s even more difficult when plans are made and then they have to be canceled due to new restrictions. The current crisis has taken a toll on many parents that have been homeschooling for years in addition to the ones forced to homeschool who never would have dreamed of doing it otherwise. How do we cope in the midst of uncertainty?

First, we need to stay strong for our children. If the pandemic has been causing you stress in any form consider taking up a new hobby. Confide in your spouse that you need some weekly or possibly daily downtime and ask your spouse to take the kids for a specified amount of time so you can unwind. Sometimes days are simply busy and if you don’t make it happen, it won’t. Making an effort, no matter how small, can go a long way. Also, be sure to make an effort to get in the Word of God daily. What do you do when you are stressed throughout the day? Grab a quick snack? Go to social media? Text a friend? Make it a habit to go into your room for a few minutes and read a few verses of the Bible and pray when things get tough, this too will go a long way.

Second, look at what is available in your area and make it a point to visit these places! Parks, beaches, hiking trails, and the like are beginning to open up. Instead of dwelling on what cannot be done, make the most out of what can be done and do it! Even if your playgrounds are still taped off, some parks are still open for picnicking, walking, or flying kites. Be creative and do everything you possibly can!

Third, enjoy your yard! Even if you are required to stay at home, if you have a yard, use it as much as possible! Search Pinterest for fun outdoor games that you can do. I’ve been letting my kids play simple yet fun games such as egg tosses and making foil boats and seeing how many pennies it will take to sink them in the kiddie pool!

Finally, be creative with the activities that you allow your children to do indoors. Sometimes we get stuck in a routine that we don’t even think about engaging activities that our kids could be doing to pass the time. We revert to our usual methods instead of exploring other options. Yes, kids tend to thrive on routine but if you gently bring some new and fun activities into your routine, it might help ease the pain of not being able to visit with friends or go to an overnight summer camp this year. Try new recipes, new crafts, or surprise your kids with a family campout in the living room. Even if they aren’t showing it, the pandemic is most likely affecting them in one way or another, so these simple changes can be a blessing in disguise!