Wherever you are in your homeschool journey, I am sure there is never a dull moment. There are lesson plans to complete, daily teaching, read-alouds, discussion time, grading, and much more. Along with these tasks, the daily household duties are always lurking around waiting to be finished. And not to mention the character training that takes place on a daily basis. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. You start out the year with the excitement of a wonderful year ahead. However, your child might already be hitting a roadblock with math, it may be hard to keep everyone on task, or there might be more distractions than you anticipated. When things go array, how do keep your joy in the midst of the chaos?

First of all, don’t give in to the negativity. When you start to have trials and things seem out of control, a feeling of inadequacy can set in that is hard to shake. Maybe you begin to think, “Can I really do this?” At this point, try to turn every negative thought into a positive one. Remember, you have the power and freedom to choose your thoughts. Cherish it. You can fill up your thoughts with positive affirmation. Also journaling will help you logically think about the problem. Write about possible solutions. Try not to allow yourself to think negatively without a solution. Maybe you can add a supplement to your current program to help a struggling student. Or you can come up with a different schedule so you can feel more organized.

When I first began homeschooling, I relied heavily on veteran homeschoolers for direction. Talking with them made me feel more confident and gave me lots of good ideas. I had no idea what I was doing, but I learned more every year. Connecting with other homeschoolers for support will help you feel less overwhelmed. Just knowing you are not alone in your struggles is huge. You can bounce ideas off each other and you might even help someone by sharing your experiences. Homeschooling can definitely stretch you beyond your comfort zone. However, you are growing and learning in so many areas. That is always a satisfying thought.

Revisiting the reasons you are homeschooling can help you recharge, stay focused, and patiently get through the rocky times. Spending time with your children and being such an immense part of their learning and growth is so valuable. Remember this is not a sprint but a marathon. Taking time to invest in your children’s learning and character is well worth it. If you need to take longer than your schedule allows to work on math or another struggle, it’s okay. Sometimes you may even need to take some extra time to work on character training. Your kids are watching you and learning how you react to situations that come up during the day. Modeling positivity and joy goes on long way in teaching your children to stay emotionally healthy.

Remember you are a unique family. This means your homeschool will not look like your friend’s homeschool. Instead of feeling inadequate or comparing yourself or your kids to someone else, rejoice in the way God made your family. This gives you freedom to take advice when it is helpful but leave the rest behind if it creates insecurity. Follow your intuition with what you think is best for your children because it most often is correct. You know your children better than anyone else and you can feel safe to trust your instincts when making decisions (whether it is curriculum choices, extracurricular activities, or any other judgment).

Finding joy is a wonderful treasure you can choose to keep in your life if you are willing to take time to foster it. If you need to reevaluate your schedule, take the time to make this happen. Slow down to focus on the positive so you can learn to find solutions to the hurdles that come your way. Surround yourself with people and friends that support you and enjoy this season of life with your beautiful children. There are so many joyful experiences and rewards to be gained!

~ Gina