When we first started homeschooling, I honestly didn’t think I had what it took to create our own lesson plans. I thought that in order to learn, you had to have a text book and a professionally designed set of activities and assignments.

When we first started homeschooling, I honestly didn’t think I had what it took to create our own lesson plans. After all, I went to public school, and I lived in the same delusion that I like to call the “brainwashing of public school” mentality. In other words, I thought that in order to learn, you had to have a text book and a professionally designed set of activities and assignments. Don’t get me wrong, some children learn best this way. Still, it isn’t necessary to have all of that to be successful at teaching your kids.

In all seriousness, you, as parent of your child, are best qualified to create lesson plans for your child. It doesn’t matter if you are “qualified” by the state’s standards. I say that because YOU and you alone know your child best. YOU know what his or her interests are, what motivates him or her and how he or she learns better than any public school teacher. You also don’t have to worry about teaching the same material to 20-30 other children, and therefore can devote personal time to his or her education.

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