You probably think this is a no-brainer but surprisingly I have found lists like this to be extremely helpful. I get so wrapped up in the normal school supplies that I forget there are many other amazing things out there. I have compiled a list of amazing school supplies plus some extra fun stuff.

  1. A good planner– I use Well Planned Day Planner. I have used it for over three years now and it’s by far my favorite. It has everything I need plus some.
  2. Pencils– I use Ticonderoga pencils because they are the best I have found. They are a bit more pricey but they don’t break as easily and the erasers actually erase.
  3. Printer– I have one that only prints in black and white. It saves me a ton of money and the cartridges are cheaper. It is also wireless so I don’t have to be hooked up to it to print.
  4. Pencil sharpener– I must confess, I don’t own an electric sharpener. I do own one that has the crank handle. It is similar to THIS one. I have never had luck with electric sharpeners.
  5. Paper trimmer– It sounds silly to have one of these, but it has come in handy so many times. When we do crafts or lapbooks, it’s easy to just trim the edges off of a bunch of papers at the same time. You can get a heavy duty one or something like THIS. Either way, it is such a time saver.
  6. Dry erase board and markers– I have two dry erase boards. I use one to post our weekly work and the other for our daily work. I love dry erase boards so much. You can find a dry erase board at your local office supplies store. I use Expo dry erase markers. They come off easier and don’t leave stains. You can get them in many different tips and colors.
  7. Living books– I have a pretty nice-sized home library that contains mostly living books. But, the library will do also. Just get a library card and start checking out the living books. We use 99% living books in our homeschool.
  8. CD player/mp3 player– We play a lot of music while we homeschool. It’s mostly classical music or hymns. We study both of these and having a good way to listen to them is essential. We also listen to audiobooks and podcasts.
  9. Paper of all kinds– This includes lined paper, printer paper, drawing paper, construction paper, etc. Paper is essential to the homeschool family. My kids love to draw and write and paint and cut. I have to keep an good supply at all times.
  10. Glue– We only use glue sticks at this point because the thought of having free flowing glue scares me. Haha. But, having some kind of glue for projects and crafts is a must.
  11. Paint and paint brushes– We have a zillion (and I may not even be exaggerating!) paint brushes. We have them in all sizes and shapes. I also keep several different kinds of paint on-hand. We have watercolors, finger paint, acrylic paint, and everything in between.
  12. Crayons/Markers/Colored Pencils– I keep all on-hand. Each project requires something different. We mostly use Crayola brand for each. Crayons, markers, and colored pencils each have their own separate container with a lid for safe keeping and easy clean-up.
  13. Scissors– I only give my children the scissors with a rounded end. No poking one another or accidents this way. I keep several pairs for each of my kids…you never know when we may have company and start a craft.
  14. Laminator– This is my BFF! I couldn’t survive without my laminator. It has been such a fun thing to have at home. I never thought I would use it so much, but I laminate everything. They aren’t that expensive, so investing in this piece of equipment is easy.
  15. Stapler– I have gone through several staplers in my homeschooling years. I have literally bought the most expensive ones and the cheapest. But, it’s extremely helpful to have one. I replace it every 3 or so years.
  16. Wipes– Yup, this is essential for my homeschool. I have all boys who make messes and draw on things and color outside of the lines and get sticky (though I am not sure how most of the time). I keep wipes on-hand in my school room, bathrooms, and van. These little amazing wipes have made my life so much easier over the years.

That about sums up my must-have school supplies. We have a ton more in our school room but I couldn’t do life without the above items.

What are your must-have items for school?