After an extended time off from schooling and other scheduled activities, it’s not uncommon for kids to fight getting back into a regular routine.  Here are some helpful tips on how to transition from vacationing to schooling that a very wise woman shared with me many years ago.

If you haven’t worked on bumping up your family’s wake up time, do so gradually.  It’s quite a rude awakening to have a liberal bedtime for weeks and then “WHAM” up and at ’em at the crack of dawn!

Plan your “start day” earlier on the calendar than you need to.  This will help with any unforeseen emergencies that may crop up.  Now you also have a buffer built in.

Instead of cramming everything into a “grand first day opener”, pick a devotional and three subjects to work on  (reading, math and writing are good choices) — that’s it! Keep it to these three subjects for the first couple days to a week.   Successful schooling with good attitudes is much easier to obtain with this lighter school plan!

Eat a good breakfast. Even though cereal is an easy option, the majority are sugar laden. What you gain in ease, you’ll loose in attention span.

When creating your schedule for the new school year, force yourself to include enough wiggle room for teachable moments, rabbit trails or just to breathe!  The younger the children, the more wiggle room you need!

Remember, homeschooling is a marathon, not a race.  Pace yourself.

Stop often, hug your children and remember WHY you are homeschooling in the first place.

At Rainbow Resource Center you’ll find all your homeschool needs from A to Z plus those fun extras to make your year unique.  Order your curricula and supplies securely online from the comfort of your home.  Get free shipping with each order over $50!

While you are perusing their great selection of over 40,000 items, what do you do when you find some awesome gadget, future homeschool book or ideal present for a loved one? Instead of writing it down on a post it note to save for later, utilize Rainbow Resource Center’s Wish List feature!