We have yet to see snow in our part of the woods, yet it certainly has been cold enough! If there were snow outside I could easily encourage my children to grab a sled or work on a snow fort for an afternoon. Since that is not an option for us, I’ve compiled a list of winter-friendly activities for kids of all ages. Activities that you can incorporate into your homeschool routine regardless of what the weather is doing outside!


Have a Homeschool Theme Day

Why not break up your routine a little and surprise your children with a theme day in your homeschool? Tell your children the night before or place it on your calendar a few weeks in advance so they can get excited about it, and prepared! We did Backwards Day one year and my children loved it! I let them wear their shirts backwards, we had breakfast for dinner and vice versa, and we even did our homeschool subjects in reverse order, it was a blast! The possibilities are endless but here are some ideas:

  • Backwards Day
  • Pajama Day
  • Sports Team Day
  • International Day
  • Super Hero Day


Get Out of the House

If you have a budget set aside for homeschool activities and field trips maybe the winter is the time to break into that a little bit. There are plenty of activities during the warmer months and it’s easy to forget that there are plenty of things to do outside the home in the winter! Sometimes it’s just that one day out during the week that our kids need to help get that energy out!

  • Local Museum $$
  • Local Library Story Time
  • Roller Skating Rink $
  • Bowling $
  • Ice Skating Rink $
  • Chuck E Cheese’s $
  • Indoor Rock Climbing $$
  • Indoor Bounce House $
  • Indoor Swimming Lessons $$

Many parents get excited about signing their kids up for swimming lessons in the summer but many indoor pools actually run their lessons throughout the winter too. We benefited from this one year because the classes were significantly smaller at this time so my children received more individualized attention!


Educational Ideas

It’s easy during the holiday season to find thematic units for different holidays. Once it’s over though, we can feel a bit burnt out on ideas. Don’t lose your energy now, spring will be here before we know it! In the meantime, here are some educational resources to keep your children busy!


Reach Out

Getting focused on the needs of others might be the key to keeping our children from being drawn in their downtime to their computers or devices! If we provide them with opportunities to help others, we are promoting an awareness that will instill lifelong character in them.

  • Visit a Local Nursing Home
  • Valentines for Veterans
  • Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity
  • Go visit the Animals at a Local Shelter
  • Write thank you cards for your Christmas gifts

Hopefully some of these suggestions will encourage you and inspire some ideas of your own these last few winter months!