Author: Deanne Crawford

Top Ten Reasons to Use Unit Studies

Whether you’re contemplating trying your first unit study or you’ve already completed more than you can count, whether you’re a homeschool newbie or a seasoned veteran, we’ve compiled a list of the top ten reasons to use unit studies in your homeschool – regardless of what it may look like!

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What I Did Last Summer

As a homeschool family, frequently exotic summer trips are not an option, but this does not mean that our children cannot experience exotic destinations. As a homeschool parent, summer can become our greatest asset to excite learning!

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Discipleship as a Lifestyle

Whether we strive to achieve the perfect discipleship moment every morning through the plethora of resources available or we seek the perfect evening Bible time when Dad can be present, have you ever felt that discipling your children has become a series of boxes that simply need to be “checked off” on your daily to-do list?

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